Clearance Certificates - City of Tshwane
Update from Mr. Shilenge the Divisional Head: Revenue Management at the City of Tshwane
Dear Member,
The Property Committee of the Pretoria Attorneys Association has been in constant contact with the City of Tshwane in order to attempt to alleviate the massive frustrations of our Members. The Property Committee has received the following update from Mr. Shilenge the Divisional Head: Revenue Management at the City of Tshwane:
1. There are approximately 1300 applications still outstanding;
2. He has authorised overtime for staff to start tomorrow to get rid of the backlog;
3. He has authorised VPN access to be put in place so that some people can work overtime from home;
4. He has sent offices readiness reports for Centurion and Pretoria and is hoping they get signed off early next week. He says that they have masks and sanitiser in place, but they do not have partitions, which is why he is installing remote access for people at home. He is hoping that Pretoria and Centurion offices will be open for employees to return next week, but they still have readiness issues with the Acacia office;
5. He has obtained approval to use Tshwane House for some staff, until all offices are operational.
The Property Committee will continue to strive to facilitate the delivery of clearance figures and clearance certificates by the City of Tshwane in the most expeditious manner possible.
Kind regards,
This email was sent to riaan@lawyersa.net
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